
The Norris Center collections themselves are an excellent natural history resource. 

The Norris Center houses collections of over 130,000 plants, fungi, lichens, marine algae, insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, and skeletons, for use by researchers, teachers, students, and the community.  The center is actively cataloging and expanding its collections and is involved in multiple internships, research projects, classroom laboratory exercises, and cooperative ventures with other organizations. The collections are mainly organized for research and classroom use, not public display.

While we encourage researchers, educators and community members to use and borrow our specimens, we currently do not have the ability to loan specimens via mail. We allow specimen loans, on a case-by-case basis, for research, education or outreach purposes to individuals who can pick the specimens up from the Norris Center. If you are interested in working with or using our collections for research, education or outreach, please contact the Norris Center staff.

More information on the specific taxa within our collections can be found in the left panel.