Norris Center Merchandise

Contact us by calling (831) 459-4763 or emailing if you are interested in purchasing any of the items below! 

Norris Center hat - $30

Norris Center hat     Norris Center hat

UCSC Natural History Field Quarter t-shirt - $20

Field Quarter shirt     Field Quarter shirt

Norris Center tote bag - $15

Norris Center tote bag     Norris Center tote bag


Books For Sale:

UCSC Bird, Spider, Fungi, and Slime Mold Field Gudies - $15 

Book cover of the spiders of UCSCBook cover the curious observer's guide to the slime molds of UCSC
cover of the birds of ucsc book











Reptiles and Amphibians of Fort Ord Natural Reserve - $15

cover of the reptiles and amphibians of fort ord

Plants of UCSC - $20

cover of the field guide to the plants of ucsc


Bees of California: Art, Science, Poetry - $15

cover of the bees of california