Past Graduate Fellows

The Norris Center supports graduate students by housing research collections, supplying specimens for study/manipulation, providing natural history resources, requesting specimens from other museusms, and depositing voucher specimens associated with research projects. Here are our past graduate fellows.

Past Norris Center Graduate Fellows

justinsquarereducedsize.jpgJustin Luong studies the impact of climate change on ecological restoration outcomes in the Environmental Studies department. As a graduate fellow, Justin worked to manage the Norris Center student internship and mentorship program. Justin led several public events, helped create the Look, Act, Inspire Exhibition, Norris Center Nature Art Gallery, and assisted in the redesign the Norris Center Webpage.


andy holding a bugDr. Andy Kulikowski studies insect ecology and forest restoration in the Environmental Studies department. As a graduate fellow, Andy worked with the Randy Morgan Insect Collection at the Norris Center. He mentored numerous students, helped identify specimens, helped organize the collections, and supervised three senior research projects on insect ecology. 


juniper hiding behind fernsDr. Juniper Harrower studies insect/plant interactions, and human influence on biodiversity in protected areas in the Environmental Studies department. As a graduate fellow, Juniper helped coordinate eight science-art residencies, helped organize and put on multiple major art-related events at the Norris Center, and helped numerous Norris Center students bridge gaps between art and science.